
Asphalt 9: Legends - Arcade Racing

Take on the world's fearless and become an Asphalt legend in the best arcade racing game on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows 10. Download Asphalt 9 today!

Asphalt 9: Legends for iOS (iPhoneiPad)

Come back every day to complete limited-time challenges and receive additional exclusive rewards. You can even become a true Asphalt legend by racing your way ...

Asphalt 9: Legends for iPhone

Softonic review. Free Game for Racing Fans. Asphalt 9: Legends is a vibrant racing game that has been created especially for the mobile gaming community.

Asphalt 9

Requires iOS 13.0 or later. Game Controller: Recommended The developer, Gameloft, designed this game to be played with a controller for the best experience.


在iOS和macOS之間同步遊戲進度是可行的。你只需在第一台裝置上進入遊戲設定,然後使用Apple ID或Game Center帳號登入(點擊主選單右上角的「選項」圖示=>「Gameloft ...

狂野飆車9:競速傳奇-Asphalt 9: Legends 12+

需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 遊戲控制器: 建議使用 根據開發者(Gameloft) 設計,使用控制器暢玩這款遊戲可獲得 ...


首款Mac賽車遊戲《狂野飆車9》支援跨iOS平台,電腦手機隨時玩 ... 除此之外,也可以成立車友大會,能夠與好友或利用搜尋來加入喜愛的車會。 asphalt 9 legends for mac app ...


Takeontheworld'sfearlessandbecomeanAsphaltlegendinthebestarcaderacinggameoniPhone,iPad,AndroidandWindows10.DownloadAsphalt9today!,Comebackeverydaytocompletelimited-timechallengesandreceiveadditionalexclusiverewards.YoucanevenbecomeatrueAsphaltlegendbyracingyourway ...,Softonicreview.FreeGameforRacingFans.Asphalt9:Legendsisavibrantracinggamethathasbeencreatedespeciallyforthemobilegamingcommunit...